The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

Young believers


Praise God for the new home that our fellowship has found. This has overcome parking problems and has given us space to meet together and grow.


A weekly gathering for food, fellowship and Bible study has been established in our city. Most recently, three to five MBB's have been attending and we would love to see a church arise from this gathering. Pray that their involvement with each other will become intimate and consistent.

Pray for Amy who will be spending this Ramadan away from her family. In a recent email she said, "I'll really miss the family gatherings this year, but hopefully this will help me to put all my concentration to worship Allah and get closer to him." May God answer the prayer of her heart and reveal who He truly is to her!

Do remember the people of our country during the month of Ramadan. This is the time when people read the Quran more and are more religious. Ask that they will read the passages in that book about the Savior and want to know more about Him.

Please pray for the work of the Bible Society in providing Bibles, books, DVDs etc. in many languages. Pray for their work amongst poor migrant workers especially.

As Muslims fast and pray in intensity during this month of Ramadan, seeking after God, ask the Holy Spirit to lead them to the Truth and have a revelation of the Lord Jesus which brings a hunger for relationship with Him.


"Al" was our first local national to come to faith in Jesus. We spent almost two years teaching him the Bible and praying with him through his newly found life in Christ. He made strong statements of his commitment. But like others, he intermittently disappeared for a while, then returned again! In the most recent occurrence, two years ago, I received a text message from him: "Forget me, I am a Muslim."

Over the summer, he and another MBB from our country, and previously unknown to us, discovered each other in a Christian chat room! Now, “Al” and "Matthew" are both fellowshipping together in a small weekly Bible study. Al explains that he had fallen into sin, and that his Muslim wife and her family had written those messages to the list of contacts on his mobile phone. Questions remain. Please pray for the repentant transparency, establishment, and continuance of these young believers.