The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

A wedding celebration


Praise God for the outreaches happening in key cities around the world outside of the AP where Gulf Arabs congregate for their holidays. Ask that many seeds will be sown and that these will reap fruit of salvation.


Islam in the Arabian Peninsula promotes an external display of religion. Pray for new MBB's to quickly understand and embrace repentance and transformation in Christ from within.

Pray for people from our team who are helping to coordinate a month of sending Arab believers down to our southern city to receive outreach training and practice. Ask for a passion in these folk to see Jesus worshipped amongst the peoples there. Pray that the logistical details would easily fall into place and that the truth would be shared and people come to Him.

Pray for those who are in prison for their faith. Ask that the Lord continue to be with them and that they know that their brothers and sisters in the faith are praying for them. Ask that they will be treated well by the guards and that the guards will believe.

Pray for the workers who are here in our land, they need the encouragement of the Holy Spirit to persevere.

Pray for a number of workers from our country who are travelling back to their home countries. Pray that they receive the rest, renewal, and encouragement that they need.


Elton was invited by one of his former students to his wedding celebration. It is common for the graduates to invite their professors and college administrators. As Elton joined in the male-only gathering (the women have a separate celebration), he spotted several other graduates who welcomed him warmly.

While much of the conversation was just about everyday things, Elton was able to share with a small group of men that his oldest daughter was getting married. They were curious about the wedding process so he stepped them through how his daughter met a godly Christian man, how they conducted their relationship over a few years with parental input and about a God-honoring ceremony with families present to share their joy and to be blessed. They were very interested and said that this gave them a very different view of Christian marriage than they see on TV and in movies. Praise the Lord!