The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

December 23

True Meaning


Thank the Lord for the Live Nativity production that was performed this weekend in our city. The Gospel was clearly stated - ask that the people who heard the message will respond to it by accepting it as the truth.


Tentmakers often have to wear several hats which include a secular job, continuing Arabic studies, evangelizing and disciple building, as well as caring for their families. Several in our country show signs of exhaustion. Pray that this holiday season will allow them to be refreshed and strengthened for the calling God has given them. Pray this also for other tired workers in other countries of the AP.

Pray for the Filipino community in our country who are also now having attention given to them. They are expecting the same trouble as their Indian brothers and sisters who we prayed for last week

The pastor of a church in the southern part of our country is leaving in January. A new one will replace him in April. Ask that the Lord will be with those who “fill in” during that time period. There are only two church buildings in this country and the Lord has used them to be a beacon of Light here, ask that this will continue.

"Silim" is an unstable national of this country, who has been in contact with expatriate believers for some years. Recently he has been reaching out for freedom from voices that he hears. Either he is demon-possessed or mentally ill. Pray for his salvation in Christ and the peace and composure that accompanies new life in Him.

Pray for Sh., a colleague of a worker. She lost her brother two weeks ago in an accident and visited her families in her home country. She came back but really feels the pain. She wants to go back to her home country for a longer period of mourning. Pray that Satan will not use this situation to discourage her so that she starts doubting if she should come back. Pray she will grow stronger in Jesus through this sadness and that she will bless others in this country with the comfort she has received from her Lord.


As Gene walked through the large department store his heart was filled with sorrow. Though the store was brightly decorated with tinsel, bells and lights, the banners overhead proclaimed "The magical season" without any reference to Christ.

Looking back in days gone by, one could hardly buy a Christmas tree in the AP yet now this is changing, at least in some countries. But there remains an emptiness about this time. Many of the workers have prayed for years that the day would come when the Christmas celebrations would be allowed in public. Yet, Gene found himself with the same sense of being wronged as many western Christians do as they witness the removal of "Christ" from Christmas.

As Gene stood and watched a lady clad in a black abaya browsing through the tinsel, he could only pray that this lady and many Muslims like her would see past this secular retail blitz to the true meaning of Christmas – the Incarnation of our Saviour God on Earth. Let us pray with Gene that during this celebration of the virgin birth (which Muslims also believe), Jesus will meet many as Saviour.