The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples


Praise the Lord that a key worker in the region has received an "all clear" message from the doctors. She has been suffering from cancer.


Pray for the ladies group that meets regularly with a female worker in our country. These ladies are interested in being better Muslims and are very open to talking about matters of faith and of the 'prophets'. Pray that she would be God's mouthpiece of truth and would have continued opportunities to interact both on an intellectual and a personal faith level. Pray for God to be at work in these ladies’ hearts towards faith in Jesus Christ. Sah is a 60 year old lady with horrible cancer. She is near death. Two workers have had the opportunity to help her and to share the good news with her. Much of the Gospel of Mark has been read to her. Ask that she will accept the Saviour and pray for healing. Pray for the networking of Western workers who have so many resources & meetings among themselves, to open their scope to include the many Eastern workers who are also meeting among themselves, unaware of the many resources they could have access to. A few months back, a tentmaker group in our city reviewed their strategies in reaching local Muslims effectively. Ask the Lord to bless both new and not so new initiatives to present the gospel to these precious people. Please pray for Hamad, a local believer. He is leaving the country to do his masters in Asia. Please pray that he would grow in his faith while he is there. Pray that God would provide other believers there to encourage him.


It was Friday morning and a group of people from the west and the east were meeting together to worship the Lord Jesus. English was their common tongue. A national man entered quietly and sat in at the back. While conscious of his presence, the small 'congregation' continued to worship together. All the time the national was listening to what was going on. During the Lord's Supper, one of the men slipped into a chair beside the inquirer and began explaining what was happening. The man was fascinated by all that what going on and this interest only increased with explanation. After the meeting was over, the two men continued to talk. In the days and weeks to come, a relationship was formed with questions being asked and a search for the truth. Please remember this man and his family as they learn more and digest what they are hearing. Ask that the whole family will believe.