The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

October 21


"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..."


Praise God for a new believer, "Emma." who joins her mother, two of her sisters and one brother who are all believers. Please pray for Emma as she is struggling with her new faith.


Following on from the first ever UAE Perspectives Coordinators Workshop this past weekend, pray for teams here to be captured by God's passion to recruit, train, and connect His people for their unique role in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.

A new-believing Somali family (mother and children) is hoping to leave here and relocate to a European country where they had lived before. The process is slow and they feel that they are not safe here. Ask that they will be able to leave soon.

A new team in our country asks you to pray for opportunities for church planting. There are many things that need to happen to make this possible. Pray that God would open the doors to use this team in establishing new churches in the area.

Pray for the Iranian believers to grow strong in our country. Last year, for the first time, they came together to form a church. This year, several couples have come here with a specific outreach to them. God is answering previous prayers on their behalf!

Ask God to be at work amongst the workers that he has gathered in this land. Pray that they would be challenged by Him and grow in holiness, obedience and devotion to Him, so that the light of Christ will shine in all that they do and say.


Many students from non-Christian backgrounds are getting involved with Christian campus groups. Bob, a campus worker, had lunch in the campus food court last week with one of these students.

Asif shared in conversation, "My life is a wreck – I've seen too much and I've messed up lot. When I met you all Saturday (at a monthly worship & training event), it was the most peaceful time I've ever experienced in my life." He is the son of a ranking Asian politician (seen too much!) and completed treatment for drug abuse about a year ago.

"Why do you think that time on Saturday was so peaceful?" Bob asked. What followed was a penetrating conversation about the Good News of Jesus. The two men are planning to continue the conversation on Thursday in a more private setting, where Bob hopes Asif will decide to repent, believe & follow Jesus. Pray for many students, like Asif, who are in Bible studies and conversations about the Gospel. Pray that Jesus would be revealed and they will follow Him.