The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

July 30, 2009

A desire to grow.


The highlight of the "CHRIST Fest" weekend was a country-wide Concert of Prayer, just before the summer break. In short, the Lord Jesus met with us in a special way. It was a sweet time of seeing, seeking, and savoring CHRIST together with believers from many churches and nationalities. It was "a foretaste of glory divine." I wish you could have been there!


Pray for a group who are visiting here to pray and to widen their vision in the next month. Pray for all the arrangements, for God to bring the group together with people of His choosing, for guidance as decisions are made for the trip, and for God's blessing on the whole trip.

Pray for a young couple who just finished their 3rd semester of Arabic language study. Pray for encouragement through their summer plans to connect with special friends.

The term-end exams are long gone and now youth are trying to get jobs. Thousands, full of excitement, expecting to get good paid jobs, and dreaming of the financial means to be independent from family support. But many employers are not interested to hire these youngsters who have had an overdose of Islamics and lacked knowledge in subjects that are required to function well in jobs. Pray that the school-system here will be changed and children will be taught critical thinking skills enabling them to get jobs and, in turn, evaluate the claims of Christianity.

Many tentmakers make trips in the summer to home bases. Pray that they will be refreshed in their ministry perspectives during these times, and return to their countries of service with eagerness and new insight.

Pray for those who love the Father and are living in areas that have had much unrest in recent weeks. Ask that they and their families will be kept safe. Ask that they will be an encouragement to the people around them who have faced death in their families. Ask that the problems will stop and that those who are fighting each other will be able to solve their problems in a peaceful way.


Mamdouh professed faith in Christ about two years ago. He was brought to a tentmaker by another follower of Christ from an Islamic background. It is just recently that he has become regular in gathering with other believers. He had been struggling with feelings of homosexuality. But, in a recent gathering, he openly confessed his sins among tears, voicing a desire to grow. Pray that God will richly fulfill that longing in him, with a transformed life and purity. May he know that "with God, all things are possible."