The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

July 7, 2009

Church in the desert.


Last month eight people were baptized outside in front of the church building. Praise God for the public confessions of faith and pray that many more would come to know Christ. Pray that our church would be salt and light in this dark place.


Ask the Father to be with those who are being persecuted by their families in their homes who are not allowed to have Books to help them grow in Faith, who are not allowed to visit other believers, who are very isolated. Ask that they will find strength through praying and that they will find family members who will support them.

Pray for the many Asian Christians who meet in small groups around the country. Pray for encouragement in their Christian lives and for God’s provision for their needs. Also ask that they would be a beacon of light to those around them.

A young family has recently come to the field. They are working on their language and culture study in view of an eventual international church plant. Please pray that the Lord will move on the hearts of those that are to be the team mates for this family in the upcoming church plant. Ask God to begin moving in the circumstances that will enable others to be in the same location with the same heart for the many different cultures that make up the population of the area to know Christ. Pray also that their official request to the government for land to build a church will be granted.

Pray that God will send more sowers into the field, more pray-ers to walk this land.

The task of planting churches is way over our heads. Praise the Lord that He is the one who opens doors and moves in the hearts of kings! We are currently working on plans to start new churches. Please pray that God would give us patience and wisdom as we proceed in this task.

Pray for Christian housemaids who work in local homes. Pray that God would encourage them in their faith, ask Him to send easy access to fellowship for them (many do not get a day off and are not able to go to church). Pray that they would not live in fear, but in quiet and steady witness of their faith in Christ.


God is at work in the desert lands. One day a man was sharing his faith with several others. He thought that they were open to the Gospel but when he told them that the Father had sent his Son to die for them, the men became very angry. Like those who attacked Stephen in the book of Acts, these men slapped the man on the face and then threw stones at him, hitting him on the back. Finally one of the men told them to stop. The man left, weeping but also singing songs to God. Ask that this man will rejoice that he suffered for the sake of Christ. Ask that the church in the desert will grow through the persecuted.

Please view the link below on the Church in the Desert: