The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

29 July 2018


Prayer Requests

Praise God for what he has done during the first summer outreach in Europe! Thank you for your prayers. Here is one answer to our prayers:

A lady's team engaged with and prayed for some Gulf Arabs. They met a young couple from the Gulf. The bridge to life illustration was used to get to their hearts. The team asked the couple if they would want to know how to find the Way according to the Bible, and they both replied with a clear YES. The team told them they should pray in the name of Jesus. They were a bit stunned. Then one of the ladies on the ladies team said that she would first pray to show them how to pray. She kneeled in front of the Arab couple and prayed the sinner's prayer. Then the couple started to pray in Arabic, and after that, the team noticed a significant difference in especially the husband's facial appearance, as he was shining. Both were very happy. For the team, it was clear that the Holy Spirit had just entered their lives. They were able to exchange telephone numbers with each other. This has also been the first time that they had Gulf Arabs pray the sinner's prayer during an outreach. Please pray that the gospel seeds sown in their hearts will keep growing stronger and deeper. Please pray that with the help of the Follow Up App tool, they will be able to connect this couple to known workers in the Arabian Peninsula.

The second round of the outreaches in a different European city has begun:

• Please pray that the leaders may be able to regain their strength while working in this second round.

• Please pray for the two local, European churches that they will work with and pray for the unity of the team itself. Pray that God would restore their strength and spiritual resolve to keep praying, sharing, and engaging.

• Please continue to pray for the Gulf Arabs who were engaged with the gospel and received material, that the seeds sown will arrive in fertile soil and that the material would not get lost

• Pray that there will be breakthroughs in the lives of the Gulf Arabs and in their home countries.

• Please pray that every one of the seven AP countries will have Christians to gather in houses and share the gospel in these countries, and that those who turn to Christ Jesus as their Lord will find the way in Christ to live an obedient life.

PTAP on the PrayerMate App

PTAP is now on the PrayerMate app which you can download for free on iOS or Android. Check it out under the "World Mission" category. Just another way to help us pray for the AP and many other regions of the world!

See here for more info: