The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

29 December, 2010

Make a Stand


God is opening doors for the Gospel in the Arabian Peninsula, and a new book called "Which None Can Shut" is filled with stories of what God is doing in hearts and lives. Yes, the Lord is answering prayer & He is building His Church in the Arab Muslim World! You can order the book to click on the blue link. Which None Can Shut


We hear a rumour that permission may have been given for a prayer meeting in a sports stadium here next year. This will involve mainly expat believers- but if so, it will be a first- and a great opportunity for a large group of believers to pray for this nation. Pray this will happen and will facilitate the opening of this country to more opportunities to build a Christian witness.

After receiving a copy of the "Jesus Film", Khalid, a young local Muslim, responded to his Christian friend: "My dad and I watched that film you gave me, and we both really liked it! I have started to read the Bible." Pray that Khalid and his father will continue their interest, and find answers that lead them to faith in Christ.

During the Christmas season, many who believe the true message of Christmas will have the chance to share the Story with their neighbours and friends. Ask that people will ask good questions and that the Gospel will be shared.

From a small language exercise between a customer and I, in which he used the word AlHamdiallah, we came to talk about the biblical equivalent "Hallelujah" and then to talking about the psalms of David. Talking about religion is not difficult here. I do encourage you to pray that the conversations will result in changed hearts for Christ.

Recently, a suicide bomber created havoc in a northern town. Pray for the family of this young man as they grieve his death. Pray that those who condone such activities will see the horror of it. Ask that young men and women will not be pulled into ideologies that promote suicide bombers. Pray that they will hear the Good News about One who loves them and wants to bring them salvation.


In September we prayed for national believer, 'Mohammed', who had recently contacted me after many months of not hearing from him. However, this pattern has been typical for a few years. It makes me think that his salvation is very real (as it seems), and that God has a grip on him, so he can't completely stay away. "He who began a good work ... will be faithful to complete it." It is known that Mohammed's family is very strict in Islam. Please pray that he will be emboldened by God's Spirit to make a stand before them.