The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

23 December 2015


Jesus tells Peter that we should forgive people 7 x 70 times, then He teaches about a servant that owed 10,000 bags of gold. This servant could never repay the debt he owned, that was the point of the story, we owe way too much to God and we cannot pay it back. We need mercy and forgiveness. (Full story - Matthew 18:21-35). Thank God for the forgiveness we walk in as believers in Jesus. But Jesus also calls us to be givers of forgiveness. The servant who owed 10,000 bags of gold would not forgive another servant for 100 silver coins. Pray that we would grow to be people that forgive the little things all around us because we have been forgiven our great debt.

"That's what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart." Matthew 18:35

Pray for a great freedom of forgiveness to grow in the Arabian Peninsula Church. May they forgive each other, family members, things in society, etc. May a growing spirit of forgiveness be in the Church. Pray that people would show pity, release people from offenses and show forgiveness.


• A number of years ago Ruth came in contact with us and it became clear that she was searching for God. She moved to another country where she is studying now. We put her in contact with Christians, not knowing if she contacted them. We kept in touch by social media encouraging her as she faced a number of challenges, especially living as a Saudi girl in the morally challenging environment of the student house where she is living. She hates the strict oppressive environment within her family and Saudi Arabia, but also is challenged by the lack of moral standards in the West.

• This week she had a hard time and while crying, a lady found her and gave her literature about God. She saw it as a confirmation that she needs to seek God's face. Will you praise God that He provided this lady (maybe you will be the next provision for her and others that He is seeking to touch with your care), and will you pray for Ruth that she has the courage to count the cost and seek Him?