The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

17 May 2017


Prayer Requests

• A former student came into a professor's office with his cousin, who is currently finishing a course with this professor. He said he had visited the expatriate church and liked it. He asked the professor if he knew about this church, and this led to a conversation about worship in music and a brief sharing of the Gospel. On another occasion, this professor mentioned in class that there was an event years ago in university that changed his life. A student asked about this event when she visited him for office hours. This was another well-received opportunity for the Gospel. Pray that God will be able to finish the work He has begun in these students hearts!

• A group of Christian workers gathered to pray and intercede for the Arabian Peninsula. Join these workers as they sit before God in silence, listen, and ask God to give insights into what to pray.

"Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered" (Hebrews 5:8). This verse reminds us how Jesus came to live out obedience unto death on earth. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide believers in the Arabian Peninsula. Pray that He leads His people to do the will of the Father, so that His people learn obedience, just as Christ did.