The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

10 October 2017


• Pray for a young man who is asking many questions about Jesus Christ. May he embrace the truth and surrender his life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

• Pray for a Muslim national that has been attending a service of expatriate believers for some time. She has asked many questions comparing various religions, so it's not clear yet that she has decided to trust in Christ. However, she continues to have a warm relationship with believers. Please pray and ask God to draw her to Him.

• Pray that God will show Himself in supernatural ways and demonstrate His perfect love and kindness to those who live in fear of Him. Pray that those who have had encounters with Jesus through dreams and visions would be insatiably curious and hungry and seek out believers to find out more about Him.

• Ask the Lord to give believers opportunities to share stories from the Word and to open the hearts and minds of hearers to believe and long to hear more.

PTAP on the PrayerMate App

PTAP is now on the PrayerMate app which you can download for free on iOS or Android. Check it out under the "World Mission" category. Just another way to help us pray for the AP and many other regions of the world!

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