The Arabian Peninsula Partnership

The Gospel for every person and a church for every people in the Arabian Peninsula amongst indigenous peoples

8 December, 2010

Draw to Jesus.


For the first time in our country, a BMB (believer of Muslim background) has been recognized as a pastor by other local leaders. Pray for him to be strengthened in his own personal walk with the Lord, and to effectively lead a small group of BMBs with love and humility.


A new Christian movie, the first in the Gulf dialect of Arabic, is going to be shown on satellite TV this month. Please pray for the impact of this movie on those who see it, and for protection for actors, producers, and crew who were involved in the project.

Pray for students who are studying in foreign countries where there is freedom of religion. Pray that they will meet people who know the Lord and that these people will share the Good News with them.

Back in May, we prayed for a worker who answers questions via the internet. The number of contacts with questions by internet is growing. "Margaret" has gone to another country recently, to receive further training and others here will need to be added to this ministry. One local girl in particular, "Fatima", has been showing marked interest, asking how she should respond to various parts of Scripture. Please pray for her salvation.

Common names in our area include Ali, Fatma, Mohamed, Abdullah, Salim, Ahmed, and Mirjam. Please pray for those in the Gulf with these names, there are many. Pray that God will provide workers to bring them the Good News, and their hearts will seek to respond.

There several Christian Arab groups (Lebanese , Egyptian etc) - we pray that the Lord will help them to be outward looking and have a heart to reach out to the locals here. Also, there are expat communities (e.g. Pakistanis) that need to hear the gospel,too.


I recently went on an overnight trip to the desert with a 'Mohammed', three of his brothers and a visiting expat-friend. These brothers are all very devout and conservative. They were trying to convert the expat man, 'Hassim', who is not religious. I was only able to say a few words to him. Please pray that he meets some believing Christians back home and hears the Gospel.

Pray for all the non-Muslims who are in our country considering Islam as a way of life. Pray that God will be merciful and draw them to Jesus instead.