Partnershaft Arabische Halbinsel

Das Evangelium für jeden Menschen und eine Gemeinde für jede der einheimischen Volksgruppen der Arabischen Halbinsel.

16. November 2016


• Pray for one who has become a believer while in prison. Pray that enthusiastic attempts to share this newfound faith will be met with favor and response and that nothing will suppress the message.

• It is very difficult for locals to obtain a copy of the Word. Nonetheless, a local woman recently took great risk and obtained a copy for herself. Pray that she will be able to read it with hunger and understanding and receive the message with a joyful heart.

• Give praise that the children of a lone believer have chosen to follow their mom's example and became baptized. May they be a light in their community. Ask that many more children will be exposed to the Good News and surrender their lives to His Lordship.

• A young mother with advanced cancer seems very open to spiritual things but does not have an understanding of the Gospel. Pray that further conversations with her believing neighbor will help her understand. Pray that she will have confirmation of these truths from the Lord. May she and her family embrace His provision in their lives.

• Pray for expat believers to be vibrant witnesses on university campuses. Pray specifically for local students who downloaded the Bible app and have been reading on their own.

• A young man was recently given a copy of the Word after expressing a desire to know more about Jesus. Pray that he will find time to read the Word with understanding despite an extremely busy schedule and that he will come to believe in Jesus.

• Pray for local religious leaders that as they go deeper in the knowledge of their faith they will be dissatisfied and search for Truth. May they embrace Jesus as the "exact representation of God" and share their understanding with those over whom they have influence.

"As the deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." (Psalm 42:1-2) Pray for those who believe in Christ in a southern country in the Arabian Peninsula. Pray that they will desire to know God better and grow in their love and devotion to Him. Pray that they will have the courage to share His message with those around them.

• Pray for a blind college student with an additional blind sibling. The father has disowned them and beats their mother. Pray that Jesus will meet them.