Partnershaft Arabische Halbinsel

Das Evangelium für jeden Menschen und eine Gemeinde für jede der einheimischen Volksgruppen der Arabischen Halbinsel.

02. November 2016


• Thank you everyone for praying on October 28. The ladies did have their meeting praise God, and amid loud shouts and prayers to God for and with the local woman suffering from black magic and who also saw a vision of Jesus, there came some breakthroughs. First, according to their report, a demon spoke through the woman saying "I know you are the Messiah" and similar sayings. This kind of confession of demons is seen in the gospels as well. Second, the ladies were able to share more scriptures with her and she came to the conclusion that Jesus is the only way to heaven. However, he is still just a prophet and nothing more. But by the end of their time, she wanted to meet with them again to study the Bible in order to learn more about what we believe. So thank God for progress! Let's continue to pray for her, that the gospel seeds sown in her life will grow and result in a life completely submitted to Christ.


• Many believers in Jesus have been hired to work as teachers, tutors, and nannies throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Please pray for their witness to be worthy of Christ, and that the LORD will confirm the truth shared through their lives, actions, and words. May their testimony cause their students, co-workers, admin, and sponsors to "see their good works and glorify their Father in Heaven." And may that connection cause many Muslims to come to Christ.

• The wife and teen-aged daughters of a Muslims leader's family were forbidden to leave their house, which is very decrepit and filthy. Many young orphan boys sleep in the home, learn the Quran, and eventually "go to the war". When a Christian woman visited the ladies of the house one day, one of the teen girls took her by the wrist and would not let her go. Although she could not speak the Christian's language, her pleading eyes and iron grip seemed a clear call for help. Please pray for these dear women and for the many others who are held captive, sometimes by their own families.

• A bright teenaged girl from a respected family in the village had wonderful hopes for her future. Her industrious mother encouraged dreams of college for her daughters as well as her sons. Tragically, the girl became pregnant and all her dreams were dashed. Because the shame of incest cannot even be hinted at, the girl herself was blamed in order to "protect the honor" of the rest of the family. She now bears the stigma, consequences and shame for the crime committed against her. Please pray for this dear girl and so many like her in similar straights. Ask the LORD to meet them where they are and to give them a hope & a future in Him for eternity.

Yet another peace agreement has fallen apart in Yemen. Please pray for the people of this country who are suffering from a terrible war. Pray that they will hear of a Savior who loves them and can give them peace in their hearts even when there is chaos around them.